NJSP Fatal Accident Investigation Challenge Coin


In Memory of
NJSP Trooper, Lt. Matt Razukas

Net Proceeds benefit the education of Lt. Razukas’ Children.

On the behalf of the NJSP Fatal Accident Investigation Unit (FAIU), we at Troopers United Foundation would like to release this Challenge Coin that was made exclusively for the FAIU. The dedicated Detectives of the FAIU have collectively decided to release their Unit’s coin to the public in efforts to  benefit the education fund for Lt. Razukas’ children. Lt. Razukas was a valuable asset to the New Jersey State Police but most importantly he was a dedicated loving husband and father. We will miss you.

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Matt Razukas passed away suddenly on Tuesday, July 27, 2021. Matt graduated from the New Jersey State Police Academy in 2001 as a member of the 122nd State Police Class. He served as a Road Trooper throughout Troop A. Matt was admired for his expertise as a Fatal Accident and Crash Reconstruction Investigator. He was a court recognized expert in Crash Reconstruction, which not only assisted the State Police, but many County and Municipal Law Enforcement agencies as well.  He was able to share his expertise and skill set throughout the State to include the New Jersey State Police Academy where he passed along invaluable knowledge to countless detectives. Prior to enlistment with the New Jersey State Police, he served as a United States Park Police Officer. Most recently, Matt served as the Administrative Officer at Troop D, Headquarters in Cranbury, holding the rank of Lieutenant. He excelled in every assignment, serving as a mentor to many young Troopers who would follow the path that he led. He was always ready to share his expertise and assist anyone in need, thereby, touching many lives.